Monday, 26 April 2021

Fights Corona Assam

26 April, 2021

Fights Corona Assam 
আত্ম যত্নৰ বাবে প্ৰোনিং!
ঘৰৰ বিচ্ছিন্নতাৰ সময়ত, Covid ৰোগীয়ে অক্সিজেনৰ বাবে প্ৰ'নিং পদ্ধতি চেষ্টা কৰিব পাৰে।

Covid Update Assam

26 April, 2021

Covid Update Assam 

Covid19 Assam and actions taken as on 25/04/2021.

Sunday, 25 April 2021

Fights Corona Assam

25 April, 2021

Fights Corona Assam 

আত্ম যত্নৰ বাবে প্ৰোনিং!
ঘৰৰ বিচ্ছিন্নতাৰ সময়ত, Covid ৰোগীয়ে অক্সিজেনৰ বাবে প্ৰ'নিং পদ্ধতি চেষ্টা কৰিব পাৰে।

Covid Update Assam

25 April, 2021

Covid Update Assam  

Covid19 Assam and actions taken as on 24/04/2021.

বিশ্ব মেলেৰিয়া দিৱস

25 April, 2021

বিশ্ব মেলেৰিয়া দিৱস

মেলেৰিয়াৰ ৰোগ নিৰ্ণয় আৰু চিকিৎসা সকলো চৰকাৰী স্বাস্থ্য সুবিধাত বিনামূলীয়াকৈ উপলব্ধ। 
অসমত জিলা মেলেৰিয়া বিষয়াসকলৰ (ডিএমঅ') তালিকা জনসাধাৰণে যিকোনো ঘটনাৰ প্ৰতিবেদন দিবলৈ আৰু তথ্যৰ বাবে যোগাযোগ কৰিব পাৰে।
আহক আমি শূন্য মেলেৰিয়াৰ ফালে আগবাঢ়ো! 
স্বাস্থ্যৱান অসম

Saturday, 24 April 2021


Dibrugarh, April 23/2021:

The 19th convocation of Dibrugarh University will be held in virtual mode on April 25 given the prevailing situation due to the rise in Covid-19 cases. Dibrugarh University registrar Prof Jiten Hazarika through official circular stated that on behalf of the Governor of Assam and chancellor of Dibrugarh University Prof Jagdish Mukhi, the vice-chancellor in charge Prof Lilakanta Nath will award the degrees to the eligible candidates in a simple function to be held in presence of the deans of the university. The programme will be live-streamed through the official website – <>  from 11.30 am onwards on Sunday.
The director of the Indian Institute of Information Technology (IITG) Guwahati Prof Gautam Barua will deliver the convocation address in virtual mode as the chief guest, while Padmashree Yeshe Dorjee Thongchi, renowned Arunachal Pradesh literature will be conferred the prestigious Doctor of Literature (D Litt) honorary degree for his contribution as a litterateur, critic, academician and social reformer.
The convocation will confer the degrees on the eligible candidates who qualified for their degrees of the university during the period from November 1, 2018 to November 30, 2019 while for PhD candidates the qualifying period will be from November 1, 2018 to October 10, 2020.
“It is informed to all concerned that due to the threat of Covid-19 pandemic, candidates of any degree could not be invited to receive their degrees in person. The eligible candidates will be able to collect their certificates with effect from May 10, 2021 from Dibrugarh University and the respective colleges. The university sincerely regrets the limitation compelled by the present situation and appeals cooperation from all concerned,” a statement by the university registrar mentioned.


Dibrugarh, April 23/2021:

All traditional and professional Post Graduate Examinations including Integrated M.Sc. in Physics of Dibrugarh University stand postponed until further Notification -- the decisions have been taken in pursuance of the discussion held yesterday (on 22.04.2021) with the Heads of the Teaching Departments, Chair persons of Centres for Studies, representatives of Teachers, Officers, Employees and PGSU (Post Graduate Students' Union) of Dibrugarh University in presence of the competent Authorities of the University and in continuation of the earlier notification. Moreover decisions were taken that all under graduate Professional Examinations including B.Ed., B.Tech., LL.B., B.A.LL.B.(H), B.Com.LL.B.(H) and BBA.LL.B.(H) and B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Examinations stand postponed until further Notification. In addition to that the ongoing B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. Examinations under Non-CBCS mode have been postponed with effect from 26th April, 2021. The revised schedule of the postponed Examinations will be Notified in compliance with the Guidelines or SOPs of the Government of Assam and UGC issued from time to time. This was informed through university official notification by Dr. P.K. Kakoty, Controller of Examinations of Dibrugarh University.

মানৱ জাতিলৈ আহ্বান

মানুহ জাতিয়ে অকল কিতাপৰ পৰা শিক্ষা গ্রহণ কৰিলেই নহব। প্ৰকৃতিৰ পৰা আন আন জীৱ জন্তুৰ পৰা শিক্ষা গ্রহণ কৰা উচিত। তেওলোকক অনুসৰণ কৰিব লাগে, তেত...